Socially Awkward?
Written by Rachel, Posted in Thoughts
I don’t know why I chose that title. This isn’t a post about awkwardness at all. But it is a post about social media. Which, can get awkward… so let’s just go with it.
I’ve been blogging for a good while now. By that, I mean a year. It’s not really a long time. But, in terms of social media, it is kinda. I can remember a time when there was no Facebook (gasp). I didn’t use Twitter until a few months ago (and I’ll admit that I’m still not as fond of it as some might be). I can also remember a time when we didn’t have internet at home (faint from shock). It’s not that I’m thaaaat old, it’s that social media as a whole is pretty young.
So I’m trying to stay with the trends, be hip like the young kids (OK, maybe I am old)… whatev… I’m on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+ (reluctantly, I’m not a huge fan, but have 2 friends who like it best)… is that all of them? I may still have a Xanga profile too, somewhere out there in the internet void.
Why might you care? Well, I post on here, of course. But, I also, and often, post in other places. I have loved taking photos for as long as I can remember. I dragged my feet when digital cameras came along. I wanted to do it the real way, with film. I’m over that now. I still have my film cameras, but I don’t use them (sad, but true). And now that I have a smartphone (ahem, that I have only had for a few months… welcome to the 21st century, Rachel O!), well, I just ran out of room for photos yesterday… did I mention that I’ve only had the phone since June? So I like to post photos on Instagram (AKA addicted). I also often post random thoughts on Facebook and Twitter. So I’m telling you because you might care to follow me, so you don’t miss out.
You can find me on Instagram at de_ma_cuisineÂ
on Twitter
and of course here I am on Facebook.