Dear Younger Me, I Like Fruits and Vegetables
Written by Rachel, Posted in Thoughts
If my self at age 9 knew how I eat now, she might not approve. She might think that having more Doritos, Crunchie bars, Froot Loops, white bread, and Sherbet in my diet would be more fun.
I realize that those aren’t all that outrageous. I was just trying to think of things that were treats when I was younger.
My parents did a good job of feeding us healthy foods. I don’t really remember hating it or anything. Maybe I was a bit indifferent. In any case, I now recognize the importance of what we eat. I know that a diet that consisted solely of Froot Loops wouldn’t be a wise choice for me. Doritos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day would be a disaster. Just like my parents allowed us, I definitely have room in how I eat for treats. Definitely. But, there’s a fierce love for fruits and vegetables that will not be denied.
Move over Froot Loops. I’m eatin’ real fruit now.
Sometimes in the form of a drink.
One that doesn’t include ice cream.
Sorry, younger self.
I like smoothies now. So there.
Happy Eating!
Last modified on 2013-09-05 17:15:41 GMT. 0 comments. Top.
- 1 navel orange or 2 mandarin oranges, peeled (I like to peel with a knife so I can remove the outside of the segments)
- 2 super ripe bananas (fresh or frozen)
- 1 C kale or spinach
- 1/3 C milk
- 1/2 C Greek yogurt
- Combine all ingredients in your favorite blending apparatus. Blend to desired consistency.