Learning As I Go
Written by Rachel, Posted in Thoughts
Many years ago I graduated from high school. The following fall I started college. I didn’t really have any idea what I wanted to be. I remember a conversation that I had with my mom where I was trying to pick a program to apply to. I thought that maybe I wanted to help people. So I chose social work.
After one semester I realized it wasn’t for me.
Twelve years later, I finally know.
As I thought about next week’s menu, played around in the kitchen trying out some new recipes, texted with my brother about e3 live (a superfood), I was reminded that I’m doing it.
This is what I want to be.
I feel so blessed to have found it. Even so, it doesn’t end there. I have a lot to learn. It’s exciting and overwhelming. I just want to sit and read about nutrition, food, health, why things work the way they do, why we should and shouldn’t eat things, and on and on…Â But, I’m not a student anymore. It took me a long time to figure out what I’m passionate about. And that’s ok. It means fitting learning and studying into work, dinner preparations, spending time with Husband, and playing with the dog. But, I’m good with that. Because I like what I do.
And now, I have a cracker recipe to work on. Just like college, it didn’t work out the first time and needs some tweaking.