De Ma Cuisine



November 2016



Independence is Overrated

Written by , Posted in Thoughts, Travel

We are fiercely independent. This trip has forced us to ask for help. We’ve needed money, places to stay, words of wisdom and prayers for our future. So far it’s all been provided for. Babies have slept in their parents’ room so we could sleep in theirs. People have kept dinner warm, offered us snacks for the road, and treasures from their pantries. Country dogs who aren’t allowed in the house have watched as Brando is. People who are allergic to him have taken allergy meds without complaint. Cats have hidden in terror while Brando lounged on their floor. It’s humbling, in the best way. We’re getting better at accepting help.

It’s a part of living in community. We have the best community at home. But, we’re realizing that our community extends way beyond LA. People are bending over backwards to help us out and make us feel at home. We’re so thankful.

Beyond this, people are letting us into their lives. It’s usually just a quick peek – a day here, two there. But, it’s pretty amazing.

It’s an interesting study in human nature to be around different people and their various customs. Some eat all meals together at the table, others enjoy meals on the couch. Some couples work together and are together all the time. Others have separate work and home lives. There are city families, living in the heart of a community. Others live in the forest, in remote cabins nestled amongst the trees. There are home bodies, introverts, people who eat out a lot, home cooked comfort foods, big houses, small spaces… it’s all so diverse. I love it!!

Wherever we end up, we’re starting to get a clearer picture of what we want it to look like. It’s a bit like a polaroid coming into focus. We’re taking bits and pieces from all of these places and sorting and shaking them to see how they fit with us. Some, we’re discovering, fit nicely.

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