Creamy Dreamy Scrambled Eggs
Written by Rachel, Posted in Breakfast, Brunch, Dairy-Free, Eggs, Gluten Free, Kid-Friendly, Low Carb, Lunch, Main Dishes, Quick and Easy, Sides, Vegetarian
Eggs are a staple in our home. We can easily go through a dozen eggs in a week, just at mealtimes. My favorite way to enjoy them is fried in olive oil. They’re amazing atop an Egg and Cheese Sandwich, with an over-medium yolk dripping onto some lentils, or just on their own with a side of toasted and buttered homemade sourdough.
But sometimes, I just want them scrambled.
I learned a while ago that the best way to cook perfect scrambled eggs is over low heat. Low and slow. That being said, it’s still a quick and easy meal that always satisfies.
These aren’t the scrambled eggs that you’ll see at a buffet. Cold, coagulated, overcooked, tough, and tinged with grey.
I’m talking about velvety, creamy, warm deliciousness. I like to cook the eggs until they’re just barely set. You can cook them longer if you want. (Obviously.) Since I use a cast iron pan for my eggs the residual heat will keep cooking them for a while after I turn the burner off. I don’t want overcooked tough eggs, so this is key. I’m going for just a step beyond custard on a fork.
It’s simple. A good skillet, a glug of oil, and low heat. I like to whisk the eggs up with a splash of water. Some prefer milk or cream. That’s cool too. Mom used water, so that’s what I do. After that all it takes is a little bit of standing by the stove, daydreaming, sliding the spatula across the pan from time to time.
Toast some good bread that you can slather with butter and jam, and figure out if it’s a just eggs day, or if you want something else. Grated cheese melting overtop is always a good idea, a side of crispy bacon always wins, fresh herbs are divine. Usually though, all I need is a little bit of salt.
Happy Eating!
- 4 eggs
- splash water
- 1 t olive oil
- to taste salt
- Whisk the eggs and water together.
- Heat a skillet over low. Add olive oil. Pour in the eggs. Gently stir eggs with a metal spatula as they begin to set, pushing out from the middle, pulling in from the outside. Cook low and slow, stirring often. When they're almost set remove from heat and let them stand in the skillet for 1 minute. Season with salt.