De Ma Cuisine

Appetizer Archive



December 2015



Garlic and Herb Bread

Written by , Posted in Appetizers, Bread, Cheese, Dairy-Free, Fruit, Gluten Free, Herbs, Nuts, Sandwiches, Snacks, Vegan, Vegetables, Vegetarian


If you need me this winter, I’ll likely be cooking soup, eating soup, chilling soup, reheating soup, and baking all sorts of bread to go with the soup. This is my favorite time of year for that reason. Normally, I’m content with bread still a bit warm from the oven to go with it. You know how they say that there’s nothing like freshly baked bread? They’re right. (By the way, who are “they”?) Sometimes it’s fun to do more than just have bread and butter though. I mean, I learned while in Paris that there is probably nothing I’d rather eat forever and ever than a French baguette with French butter. Literally. I might be willing to give up bacon. But, as we crunched into this herby, garlic studded bread, I couldn’t decide what I liked better, the bread or the Turkey Noodle Soup I’d made to go with it. And I didn’t miss the butter at all.


This isn’t an ordinary garlic bread. I threw in some fresh herbs (rosemary from last week’s Abundant Harvest Organics box, and basil from my garden) and a bunch of greens. I used spinach this time, but when I planned the recipe I did so with kale in mind. I’d also use arugula, mizuna, chard, or bok choy. If you don’t have greens, but you want it to be green in color, you could make it with peas… Why not?!


For the cheese I opted for colby jack. But, parmesan, goat, feta, cream cheese, or ricotta would be great too.


I added some nuts, just to make it interesting. To make it even more so, you could add: fennel, asparagus, mushrooms, cabbage, kohlrabi, olives, radicchio, apples (not with garlic or chives), or apricots (not with chives), depending on what’s in season.


After I blended it up I realized that this is basically a pesto. Pestos often have something green, some nuts, garlic, cheese, and olive oil. This has all of that and more. The great thing about this realization is that if there are leftovers, there’s a lot to do with them.

– mix into pasta

– make into grilled cheese

– add to soup

– stir into risotto

– top a baked potato (or make into twice baked potatoes)

– add it to hasselback potatoes


I love this bread served with whatever soup I’ve got on hand. But, on its own it also makes for a fabulous snack.

Happy Eating!

Garlic and Herb Bread

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Total Time: 20 minutes

Yield: 10

Garlic and Herb Bread


  • 8-10 cloves garlic
  • 2 t fresh rosemary or thyme
  • 2 T fresh basil or chives
  • 2 C greens (kale, spinach, arugula, chard, mizuna, bok choy etc...) or use peas
  • (optional) 1C any: fennel, asparagus, mushrooms, cabbage, kohlrabi, olives, radicchio, apples (not with garlic or chives), or apricots (not with chives)
  • 1/2 to 1 C nuts (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts)
  • 2 C cheese (parmesan - for vegan could use bread crumbs and capers*, goat, feta, cream cheese, or ricotta), grated or crumbled
  • 1/4 to 1/3 C olive oil
  • 1 t lemon zest
  • 2 t lemon juice
  • to taste salt
  • good pinch cayenne
  • 1 loaf of your favorite bread, sliced


  1. Place garlic through cayenne in a food processor. Blend for 20-40 seconds, scrape down the sides and blend for about 10 seconds more. Taste for seasoning.
  2. Spread mixture on bread. Either broil for 2-5 minutes (watch it carefully so it doesn't burn), bake until bubbly and browned, or put between the slices of bread (or slice bread horizontally), wrap in foil, and bake until warmed through.



October 2015



Winter Squash Dip

Written by , Posted in Appetizers, Beans, Cheese, Dairy-Free, Fruit, Gluten Free, Herbs, Legumes, Nuts, Potlucks, Roasting, Snacks, Vegan, Vegetables, Vegetarian


I’m a big supporter of fall. I love it when the leaves change color, the chill that creeps into the air, and the winter squash that start to appear in our Abundant Harvest Organics boxes. This fall is no different. I’m in the mood for soups and stews, cozy sweaters, and all the winter squash I can get my hands on.


I have a few go to recipes for winter squash. Things like Spaghetti Squash au Gratin (which uses both spaghetti and butternut squash), Vegan Roasted Butternut Squash Soup, and Spaghetti Soup. I’ll make them over and over again for sure. But, it’s fun to get creative with food, so I came up with a fun winter squash dip that will be perfect to snack on while watching post season baseball, for a dinner party appetizer, or as a simple supper.


I used acorn squash this time. But, seriously, any winter squash will do. I’d planned to use pumpkin, but I didn’t have one on hand. If you have pumpkin, and the skin doesn’t get too soft when roasting, it’d make a lovely serving dish. I tried to do that with the acorn squash, but the skin isn’t as tough as say spaghetti squash, so I opted for an oven-safe dish.

This dip is full of options for what to add to it. Not only can you use whatever winter squash you have on hand, there are plenty of possibilities for what to mix in. I used garbanzo beans, basil, cheddar, and parmesan. But, you could substitute white, kidney, or black beans for the garbanzos. Then you could choose between blue cheese, feta, Fontina, Gorgonzola, Gruyère, mozzarella, pecorino, ricotta, ricotta salata, Romano, or Roncal if you don’t have cheddar or Parmesan, or tofu if you want to go vegan. And for the fresh herbs, I’d go with either parsley or thyme if you don’t have basil (or along with it). Just pick things that you think will go well with the other flavors you’ve got going on.


I topped the dip with some halved cherry tomatoes and some nuts. And again, here the possibilities are pretty limitless: hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, peanuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, or pumpkin seeds would all be great in place of almonds. I love the crunch that the nuts bring to the dip.

I’d used half of the cheese in the dip, the rest went on top to get bubbly and browned, along with the tomatoes. One of my favorite things.


You can serve this dip hot, room temperature, or eat it right out of the fridge. If you opt for the latter, you might get the entire previously melted cheese slice in one bite. Not the worst problem you could have. I liked it best cooled slightly, but still warm, with lots of dipping utensils: corn chips and raw veggies were my favorite.

Happy Eating!

Winter Squash Dip

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour, 20 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour, 35 minutes

Yield: 8-10

Winter Squash Dip


  • 4 C combination of any: (squash) acorn, butternut, spaghetti, buttercup, delicata, hubbard, kabocha, pumpkin; halved or top sliced off and seeds removed,carrots, ends trimmed
  • 1 head garlic, top sliced off
  • a good sprinkle of cayenne or 1 hot pepper, halved, ribs and seeds removed
  • 2 t olive oil
  • 2 C combination of any: garbanzo, white, kidney, or black beans; cooked
  • 1 C greens (optional), chopped
  • 1/4 C combination of any: fresh basil, parsley, or thyme
  • 2 C combination of any: blue, cheddar, feta, Fontina, Gorgonzola, Gruyère, mozzarella, Parmesan, pecorino, ricotta, ricotta salata, Romano, Roncal; grated (if needed), or may use tofu (silken or firm and crumbled)
  • 1 C combination of any: corn, tomatoes (fresh or dried)
  • to taste salt
  • 1/4 C combination of any: almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, walnuts, peanuts, pecans, pinenuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds; chopped
  • raw veggies (carrots, radishes, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, green beans, celery), roasted veggies (sweet potatoes, summer squash, eggplant, fennel), chips, crackers, or bread; for serving


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 350F.
  2. Brush squash/pumpkin with oil inside and out. Place cut side down on a baking sheet (the lid too, if you didn't halve it - if you halved it and are planning to serve the dip in it, you could slice a bit off the bottom so it sits flat). Drizzle the garlic with olive oil and wrap with foil. Brush carrots and hot pepper with olive oil and wrap with foil. Roast for 45-60 minutes, or until tender (pepper may take closer to 20-30 minutes). If using greens, sauté in 1 T olive oil over medium-low heat for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Scrape squash from shell (reserve shell to serve in if desired) then either mash or purée in food processor with garlic (squeeze cloves from skin) through cheese (reserving half cheese for topping). Taste and adjust seasoning if desired.
  4. Return to squash shell or to a greased oven safe dish, top with remaining cheese and tomatoes/corn/nuts. Bake at 350 for 15-20 minutes, or broil for a few minutes, or until cheese is melted and browned.
  5. Serve with raw or roasted veggies, chips, crackers, or bread, for dipping.



August 2015



Chile Pepper Poppers

Written by , Posted in Appetizers, Cheese, Dairy-Free, Dinner, Gluten Free, Grains, Herbs, Legumes, Lentils, Quinoa, Rice, Roasting, Sides, Vegan, Vegetables, Vegetarian


Try saying “chile pepper poppers” over and over again. I like how it feels to say it. Kinda like how I like the feel of the word “cake”. I think I like the word “cake” more than I actually like cake itself.

I’m done now.

I’ve seen different varieties of pepper poppers before, but never actually tried to make them. They’re often filled with cheese. Yum! But, I wondered if maybe they could be filled with something a little more nutrient dense. Cheese, I’m down with, but let’s add a little more.


I opted for green lentils, which I’m totally digging right now, and brown rice.  Along with mint and basil for a cool and fresh taste.

I used jalapeños this time. And to be honest, for me, they were too spicy. But, I used what I had on hand (and then drank a big glass of milk after I ate a whole one and my mouth burned up). Next time, I’d opt for a much milder pepper.

The tricky thing about these is since the pepper is staying almost whole, it’s hard to be sure that all the ribs and seeds are gone. I mean, I did the best I could, but there might have been more heat left in there then if I’d halved it and taken the ribs and seeds out that way.

On the Scoville scale, Chipotle, Fresno peppers, jalapeños, and wax peppers (like the Hungarian wax pepper) are rated at 3,500-10,000 Scoville Heat Units. Milder peppers are: Jalapeños (yes, they appear in two categories), Anaheim peppers, and poblano peppers (or ancho), at 1,000-4,000 SHU. And milder still: banana peppers, peperoncini, and pimentos come in at 100-900. Bell peppers are rated at a 0. The spectrum ranges from a pepper called the Carolina reaper at 2,200,000 SHU to the banana, paprika, Cubanelle, peperoncini, and pimento peppers are 100-900 SHU. (1) That’s a big range.

I use jalapeños all the time, buuuuut I don’t usually (ever) eat a whole one… in one sitting… in a three minute time period. They’re usually diced and added to dips, or Succotash, or Tacos. The heat is dispersed.

Next time I’d probably choose an Anaheim pepper or something even milder. A bell pepper would be nice. Or if you’ve got more tomatoes than you know what to do with, stuff those.

Lesson learned.


I’m usually ok on my own for these posts. I’ve figured out how to photograph with one hand, while the other works. But today I needed both hands, and I needed a picture of it from above. I did consider trying to hold the camera with my chin and shoulder. I thought better of it and asked Tim, who now does freelance work from home too, for help instead. (Don’t tell him what I was thinking of doing, m’kay? 😉 )


Once I settled on trying to shove the filling in with the handle of a spoon (after a few failed attempts with other utensils), I got the poppers roasting. I opted for the toaster oven, since it’s one bazillion degrees out right now. And my toaster oven opted to crap out on me, resulting in partially roasted pepper poppers. But, they were done enough, they were hot and bubbly, just not quite as soft as I would have liked (hence the 30-60 minute suggestion in the recipe – that way you can have ’em how you want ’em).


With the right pepper for you, these are a nice little treat. Appetizer, lunch, side at dinner… There was a lot more filling than I ended up needing. But, I chopped up the leftover peppers, with filling, and added them to some green beans and summer squash that were sautéeing in olive oil. The filling got a little crispy (which makes me happy), the chopped up peppers added just a kick of heat, the lentils were there for protein, the rice to get in some grains. Oh and then I topped it with a fried egg. So, I’d make all the filling, if you’re ok with leftovers*. You can pop it in the freezer if you’re not going to eat it in a few days. Winner winner we just made tomorrow’s dinner.


Happy Eating!

Chile Pepper Poppers

Prep Time: 15 minutes

Cook Time: 1 hour, 30 minutes

Total Time: 1 hour, 45 minutes

Yield: 3-5 (chile peppers) or 2-4 (bell peppers)

Serving Size: 2 chile peppers or 1 bell pepper

Chile Pepper Poppers


  • 1/2 C uncooked green lentils (need about 1/2 C cooked)
  • 1 1/2 C water
  • 1/2 C uncooked brown rice (or quinoa) (need about 1/2 C cooked)
  • 1 C water
  • 1 C onion (or shallot), chopped
  • to taste salt
  • pinch ginger
  • 1 T fresh Thai basil (or any variety basil), chopped
  • 1 T fresh mint, chopped
  • 1-2 T feta or extra firm tofu, crumbled
  • 6-10 large hot peppers* (or 2-4 bell peppers), stem sliced off, ribs and seeds removed using a paring knife (do not use fingernails)


  1. Cook lentils with water (about 15-20 minutes, or according to package's instructions) (don't overcook). Drain if there is extra water.
  2. Cook rice (according to package's instructions), after about 15 minutes stir in onions. Continue to cook until rice is done (don't overcook).
  3. Pre-heat the oven to 350F.
  4. Mix lentils and rice with salt through mint. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed. Mix in feta or tofu. Stuff into peppers using the end of a spoon. Stand in a small ramekin (and place on a baking sheet) or lay flat on a baking sheet (some filling may spill out). Roast for about 30-60 minutes, or until peppers have softened slightly.


Filling may yield more than needed. Leftovers are great reheated in a skillet with some olive oil, veggies, and topped with a fried egg or piece of crispy tofu. *Use peppers as hot as you would like. On the Scoville scale, Chipotle, Fresno peppers, jalapeños, and wax peppers (like Hungarian wax pepper) are rated at 3,500-10,000 Scoville Heat Units. Milder peppers are: Jalapeños, Anaheim peppers, poblano (or ancho), at 1,000-4,000 SHU. And milder still: banana peppers, peperoncini, and pimentos come in at 100-900. Bell peppers are rated at a 0.

*To cool leftover rice, here’s what I like to do: Let it cool on the counter for a bit, then put it in the fridge, stirring every once in a while, keeping it fluffy (and not too packed into the container so it will cool properly).




June 2015



Green Bean Fries

Written by , Posted in Appetizers, Dairy-Free, Dinner, Fruit, Gluten Free, Herbs, Inspired By, Kid-Friendly, Lunch, Quick and Easy, Roasting, Sauces, Sides, Snacks, Vegan, Vegetables, Vegetarian


I’m crazy about French fries. With a burger they’re fabulous, topped with gravy and cheese curds they’re comforting, with a hearty dip they’re a meal. Of course they don’t have to be made with potatoes. Parsnips, carrots, and summer squash all work perfectly. And while we’re at it, why not try sweet potatoes, beets, or rutabagas?


And when I’m feeling lazy and don’t want to take the time to cut up some veggies for roasting, or when I’ve got so many green beans just waiting to be used, I figure I might as well turn them into fries.

Never mind the fact that roasting green beans is one of my favorite ways to eat them. Ever.


So it’s pretty simple. The beans are tossed with olive oil, salt, and pepper and head into a hot oven. High heat and not a lot of time will work well here.


While the beans roast, a quick “ketchup” is blended together. Garlic, basil, a few spices, a little this (maple syrup), a little that (dijon mustard)… a minute or two in the mini food processor and we have some sort of tomatoey, herby, ketchup-like dipping sauce.


This could be used for any of the above French fry options. If there are leftovers, it’d be great heated up and served over pasta, or used as a pizza sauce. Oh and it’d be fabulous atop a burger.

I have some suggestions in the recipe for three different herb combinations. I was also thinking that if you wanted to go a completely different direction and opt for a creamy dip, crème fraîche would be an awesome option. I might try that next time. (P.S. Crème fraîche is actually pretty easy to make from scratch! Who knew?!)


The meals that I make and photograph for these posts usually end up being lunch. So, I fried up some eggs, washed some strawberries, and we were set. Of course Green Bean Fries would be a great compliment to a meal; a wonderful side, But, more often than not of late, I’ve been enjoying veggies as the star.

Happy Eating!

Green Bean Fries

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 17 minutes

Total Time: 27 minutes

Yield: 2-4

Green Bean Fries


  • 1-2 pounds green beans, stems removed
  • 1 t olive oil
  • to taste salt
  • to taste pepper
  • 2 T total (fresh if possible, if dried, crumble and reduce amounts): dill + parsley + basil OR basil + parsley + savory + thyme OR tarragon + parsley + dill + fennel pollen
  • 1 clove garlic, roughly chopped
  • pinch cayenne
  • pinch ginger
  • 1 t maple syrup
  • 1 t dijon
  • 2 T olive oil
  • 1 T chives or shallots (optional)
  • 1 C tomato puree
  • 1 T vinegar
  • to taste salt
  • to taste pepper


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 425F.
  2. Toss beans with 1 t olive oil, salt, and pepper. Pour beans onto two baking sheets (so they're not over-crowded). Roast for 10 minutes, flip and rotate their position in the oven, and roast for 6-7 minutes more.
  3. While beans roast, blend herbs through pepper. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed.
  4. Serve green beans dipped in "ketchup".



March 2015



Artichoke Heart Dip

Written by , Posted in Appetizers, Cheese, Condiments, Dairy-Free, Fruit, Gluten Free, Herbs, Lunch, Sides, Snacks, Vegan, Vegetables, Vegetarian


When I was a kid we ate artichokes dipped in mayo. Nothing fancy. We each got a whole artichoke and we dipped then scraped it all off with our teeth. That’s the simple way to do artichokes. And you could do that here too. Just steam the artichokes, dip the leaves, then when you get down to the heart, scrape out the choke and dip it too. But, I liked the idea of dipping the artichoke leaves into a dip that contains the heart. It feels a little bit like eating an egg and some chicken in the same dish. Kinda wrong, but maybe really right.

Definitely right.


The artichokes that I had didn’t take long to steam. Maybe 15 or 20 minutes once the water came to a boil. It could take longer depending on their size.


While the artichokes steam, the dip comes together quickly. It’s a combination of things like chickpeas, fresh parsley, and olive oil. I used some ricotta and Greek yogurt for creaminess, but if you want this to be a vegan dish, try using silken tofu instead.


The cooked artichokes hop into an ice bath. This stops the cooking and cools them down so they don’t burn the fingers.


The artichoke leaves are removed and saved for later.



The fuzzy choke is removed and the hearts and stems are chopped up (be sure to discard any tough leaves that may be left on there). They’re added to the dip and stirred in. You could blend them if you want, but I like the added texture that the chunks of tender artichoke bring.


I ate this for lunch today: carrot sticks, artichokes, and a few slices of homemade bread. Other raw veggies like snap peas, green beans, fava beans, bell peppers, celery, fennel, mushrooms, and tomatoes (ok, not a vegetable, but close enough) could be fabulous too.


Perfect for lunch, snack, or an appetizer at your next dinner party.

Happy Eating!

Artichoke Heart Dip

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 20 minutes

Total Time: 50 minutes

Yield: 2.5 cups

Artichoke Heart Dip


  • 10-12 medium sized artichokes, stems trimmed, bottom 2-4 rows of leaves removed
  • 5 oz. ricotta cheese or soft (silken) tofu
  • 1/2 C Greek yogurt or soft (silken) tofu
  • 2 T carrot greens (just the tops, no stems) (optional)
  • 1/2 C chickpeas
  • 1/4 C fresh parsley
  • 1 stalk green garlic, roughly chopped
  • 1-2 cloves garlic
  • 1/4 C olive oil
  • 2-3 T lemon juice
  • to taste salt
  • to taste pepper
  • good pinch cayenne
  • ice water
  • juice from 1/2 lemon
  • carrots, sliced, for serving


  1. Place artichokes in a steamer basket in a pot with 1 1/2 -2" water. Cover and bring it to a boil then simmer and steam for 15-20 minutes (or until tender and stems pierce easily with a sharp knife).
  2. Blend (with a hand blender or in a food processor, regular blender could work too) ricotta or tofu through cayenne. Blend for about 1 minute, or until it's as smooth as you'd like it. Taste and adjust seasoning if needed. Chill it in the fridge until you need it.
  3. When artichokes are tender, remove them from the pot and plunge into ice water that has the juice of half a lemon mixed in. When they're cool enough to handle, pull off most of the leaves (stop when you get to the small ones) and set them aside for later. Slice off the tougher top part off the leaves (you can save the tender bottom part for dipping) and slice through the top of the heart. Scrape out the choke (the fuzzy center) in the heart (and if there's any on the leaves scrape that, if you're going to eat them). Once each heart is done, return it to the lemon water. Once all hearts are done, chop up and stir in to the ricotta mixture (or you can blend it in if you prefer). Taste and adjust seasoning if needed.
  4. Serve dip with carrots and artichoke leaves for dipping.